Effect of Aluminum Exposure On Your Food

While doing groceries, Aluminum foil is something that comes to mind more than anything else. From roasting chicken to grilling chopped vegetables, aluminum foil is an essential part of cooking.

Does Aluminum Foil Leach Into Food? 

The usage of aluminum foil is common. It could significantly leach into food and at higher levels in acidic and liquid food solutions like lemon and tomato juice than in those containing alcohol or salt. Metal toxicity is a serious concern and is the reason for several other severe diseases. Excessive exposure to aluminum leads to Alzheimer’s disease and affects kidneys, liver and damages muscles. 

Cooking In Aluminum Foil

According to research, using aluminum foil is kitchen-safe. The most important thing is aluminum isn’t only available in foil but also is naturally present in food, air, water, and soil. 

Aluminum in small amounts does leach into food that’s cooked using aluminum foil, or aluminum cookware, or that’s packaged in aluminum cans.

The amount of aluminum leaching into the food depends on the type of food you are cooking. Also, the cooking temperature, the amount of acid significantly influences the amount of aluminum leaching into the food.

Presence of Aluminum In The Environment

Aluminum is the third most abundant element present in the environment. It is not only the foil that can expose us to this element but, the air we breathe in also contains a significant amount of aluminum. 

This element, up to a suitable level, is safe for health. It is often available in our drinking water. According to a report from the Center for Disease Control, an individual’s daily intake of aluminum is 7-9 milligrams per day.

Importance of Wrapping Aluminum Foil Around Food

Wrapping food in aluminum foil is a common way to protect it. The foil serves as a protective layer to light, oxygen, moisture, and bacteria. It is a complete barrier to your food.

In food packaging, aluminum foil is used effectively in packaging, especially in food and medicine packaging. Aluminum foil is also getting used to develop aseptic packaging. The reason behind using aluminum foil for packaging; it serves for light, bacteria, and moisture blockage.

How to Lessen The Exposure to Aluminum When Cooking

As mentioned above, aluminum up to a limit is not hazardous for health. As per WHO, levels of aluminum below 2 mg per 2.2 pounds (1 kg) body weight per week are unlikely to cause health problems. 

If you think of eliminating Aluminum from your diet, it is impossible. The one thing you can do is to minimize it from your diet.

Following are important steps to minimize excessive exposure to aluminum while cooking:

  • Try to avoid overcooking, and when possible, cook your foods at lower temperatures.
  • Reduce the use of aluminum foil while cooking. Most importantly, when you are cooking acidic foods, try to avoid aluminum foil.
  • A common source of aluminum exposure is the use of aluminum utensils. Avoiding aluminum cookware lessens the chances of leaching it into your food.
  • Avoid the use of canned or processed foods as they come in packaging made of aluminum. Also, these canned foods contain a high level of aluminum as compared to homemade foods. 
  • Try to eat homemade food and lessen the intake of commercially packaged food. It is the best way to minimize aluminum exposure.

The Potential Health Hazards Of Too Much Aluminum

  • Excessive exposure to anything hazardous to health is not good. Abnormal exposure to aluminum could lead to severe brain damage and can cause Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is a neurological disorder mainly caused by the loss of brain cells.
  • You might wonder if the aluminum you take stays in your body or not. You will be happy to hear that only 0.1 to 0.3 per cent of aluminum stays in your body while the rest goes. The everyday exposure of aluminum through the food you eat is considered safe.

Should We Stop The Usage of Aluminum Foil?

  • Aluminum foil has become an ultimate necessity for your kitchen, and it is okay to use it. It is not regarded as hazardous, but daily exposure to this foil of aluminum can level your diet by a small amount.
  • Although aluminum foil is added to your diet, excessive use is bad. It is thus necessary to use the foil wisely when required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it true that aluminum foil release toxins when heated?

It is true in the sense that a small amount of aluminum gets into your food when you cook in aluminum foil or cookware. However, that small amount is not that much hazardous to health as it seems to be. Our body can absorb less than one percent of the background aluminum in food or drinking water.

What could be a suitable substitute for aluminum foil?

The most suitable alternative to aluminum foil is a silicone baking sheet. You can use metal lids, parchment paper, and even silicone food covers to cover dishes cooking in the oven. One of the best alternatives for grilling is cedar wrap.

You can use glass storage containers for storing food instead of using aluminum foils. When it comes to baking, you can make use of stainless steel or ceramic pans.


An essential and abundant element, aluminum is necessary for your body but up to a certain amount. The natural exposure is good to an extent. Excessive usage of aluminum foil for cooking food can uplift the aluminum content in your body. So, be wise while using it.

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