Are Polished Aluminum Wheels Clear Coated?

While most people believe that polished aluminum wheels are clear-coated, this is not always the case. Many manufacturers do not coat their wheels at all. This is because the polishing process can provide a natural barrier against corrosion. 

However, uncoated wheels are more susceptible to staining and pitting. For this reason, some manufacturers recommend a clear coat to protect the shine of polished aluminum wheels. While a clear coat is unnecessary, it can help extend your wheels’ life.

Are Polished Aluminum Wheels Clear Coated 

Are Polished Aluminum Wheels Clear Coated

There’s something about a set of polished aluminum wheels that screams luxury. They gleam in the sun and catch the eye of everyone who sees them. But what exactly are they made of? And are they clear-coated?

Polished aluminum wheels are made from a particular type of aluminum alloy designed to be durable and shiny. The aluminum is polished to a high shine using a unique polishing process. 

Once the wheels are polished, they are coated with a protective coating. This helps to protect the aluminum from oxidation and keeps the wheels looking new.

So, if you’re wondering whether polished aluminum wheels are clear-coated, the answer is yes! Thanks to this protective coating, the wheels will continue to look brand-new and bright.

How Can I Tell If My Aluminum Rims Are Coated?

This is the simplest method to wash your car: start at the top and work your way down. Before you clean the entire automobile, take care of any specialist cleaning tasks for the wheels and tires. 

As a result, the wheels will receive two rinses: one after the special cleanse and another while the rest of the car is being washed. You can begin protecting your wheels with a polish once your vehicle is dried.

When cleaning your wheels, you should take a specific amount of care. When used with MothersĀ®, a high-quality aluminum wheel cleanser or polish product packs a powerful punch and shouldn’t be allowed to dry on your wheels. 

Be sure to follow the application directions correctly, and keep a hose ready for a thorough rinse when the designated amount of time has passed. If, for some reason, you discover that the substance has dried, rapidly apply another coat, wipe it off, and then rinse with the hose to be sure.

Both brake dust and axle oil are incredibly effective at discolouring your car’s wheels. Sometimes they’re so adept at it that conventional wheel cleaners have no chance. 

Carnauba Cleaner Wax, Synthetic Wax, or Mothers Plastic Polish are all suitable solutions for badly soiled painted and clear-coated wheels. The renowned Mothers Mag & Aluminum Polish or chrome cleanser are the best metal polishes for wheels that are not clear coated.

How Are Polished Aluminum Wheels Protected?

Are Polished Aluminum Wheels Clear Coated

Both a stylish set of alloy wheels and a location that looks cheap can completely change how your automobile looks. Therefore, you should shield your wheels from harm if you want your car to look incredible. Here are five ideas for maintaining the good looks of your wheels.

Especially In The Winter, Clean Your Wheels

Contrary to popular belief, alloy wheels typically have more in common with the body components of your car. Like the rest of your vehicle, alloy wheels are typically painted and clear-coated. Therefore, you must regularly wash the wheels if you want them to appear remarkable.

It’s significant to remember that compared to the rest of your car, your wheels are significantly more exposed to corrosive substances. Namely:

Road salt and (in states where it is used) magnesium chloride, both terrible for your wheels for different reasons, gather on wheels and can eat away at the clear finish.

Therefore, washing your discomfort may not be as vital as cleaning your wheels, especially in the winter. Avoid using steel wool and acid-based cleaners on your wheels since they will remove the clear coating.

Waxing Wheels Is Always a Good Idea

Any painted or clear-coated surface benefits from wax because it prevents dirt and grime from adhering to the surface. Waxing OEM aluminum wheels will undoubtedly help maintain them immaculate because they are typically painted and clear-coated.

Even though waxes are explicitly made for wheels, any polish will do. However, many people “cheat” and use a spray-on wax rather than a specific wheel wax because wheels can be intricate to wax (many nooks and crannies). 

We don’t have a strong view on this. However, we will add that it is much simpler to wax the wheel when it is removed.

RimSavers and RimBlades

Scratched wheels not only look ugly but also cost a lot to repair. Parallel parking is the most frequent way to scrape your wheels. Thus, the simplest way to prevent this is to invest in wheel protectors like RimBlades or RimSavers.

Wheel protectors make your already-polished aluminum wheels look better and are far less expensive than curb rash restoration. Win-win.

NOTE: Because the glue needs to adhere to the clearcoat surface, use RimBlades or RimSavers before waxing your rims.

Safe Driving Practices

Last but not least, you can lower the likelihood of wheel damage by developing sensible driving practices like:

  • Instead of parking closely against the curb, parallel park a few inches away.
  • To avoid potholes
  • Avoiding curbs in parking lots by taking your time (which are easy to miss while turning)

Take Off A Few Times For Winter

As the last recommendation, check out our blog post on take-off wheels for winter tires. You decrease the risk of damage from road salt, magnesium chloride, and gravel by removing your “good” wheels during the winter and replacing them with a temporary set of used wheels (at least until the snow stops falling).

Also, because it can be more challenging to spot potholes and other impediments in the road during the winter, your car is much more prone to slide or skid into a curb. Also, parking close to the curb can be a little dangerous when the road is covered in snow.


There’s just something about a set of polished aluminum wheels that makes a car look classy and expensive. The gleaming metal catches the eye and adds a touch of luxury to any vehicle.

 But what many people don’t realize is that polished aluminum wheels can also be clear-coated. This adds an extra layer of protection against brake dust and road grime, making it easier to keep the wheels clean. 

The clear coating also helps to prevent oxidization, keeping the aluminum looking shiny and new for years to come. Therefore, if you want to give your automobile the greatest possible appearance, think about buying a set of clear-coated, polished aluminium wheels. You won’t be let down.

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